Empowering the community

Q. What does BDAUSA do?

A. BDAUSA looks into ways of improving the livelihood of those living in Bondo District area of Kenya, in Siaya County. It also looks into assisting its association members wherever they are and regardless of where they come from, in various ways.


Q. Is registering to the website same as joining the BDAUSA association USA?

A. No. Site users that register with this site, are just website users, and can be anyone. Like many sites out there, they just want to see what the site has to offer and learn about Bondo District. They register for example  to contribute to the blogs and access other information on this site.


Q. Do I have to register in this site?

A. No. There are areas of this site that you can access without registering. Just like many sites out there.  But registration helps us to keep in touch with you to let you know the projects that we are undertaking. It also give you access to detailed project plans whenever we publish them and lets you have the ability to contribute to published blogs, thus helping us with our agenda.


Q. Do BDAUSA association members have to register as site members?

A. Yes they should. This is the only way they will be able to see meeting minutes and access areas that are only visible to BDAUSA association members and not the rest of any other site users.


Q. How do I become a BDAUSA association member?

A. Click here  or  contact and simply send an e-mail and we will get in touch with you.


Q. Who can be a member of BDAUSA association?

​A. Anyone can be a member of BDAUSA. The ground projects  that BDAUSA gets involved in will be in Bondo District for now, however. Other social benefits can extend to all its registered association members.


Q. Must BDAUSA association members come from Bondo region of Kenya?

A. No. BDUSA Members can be from anywhere.


Q. Is BDAUSA a social welfare group?

BDAUSA was formed mainly for development projects. But we cannot ignore other social issues that crop up among its association members, when they happen.


Q. Can one withdraw from BDAUSA association?

​A. Yes. You may withdraw at anytime. However you will have to forfeit all your contributions to the organization.


Q. Is BDAUSA properly registered in the USA?

A. Yes BDAUSA is a registered organization in the USA and has proper IRS Tax documentation.